Saturday 24 April 2010

Chardin's Noosphere v Laszlo's Toe by John Luxton

"Some day after we have mastered the winds, the waves and gravity, we will harness for God the energies of love; and then for a second time in the history of the world, humans will have discovered fire."
Teilhard de Chardin

When you put together - memes, flocking and universal connectivity, TOEs begin to be discussed. This month in the always excellent Pc Pro magazine Dick Pountain is waxing about the psychosphere. Do I detect that Theories Of Everything are moving into the mainstream?
A visionary in this field was Teilhard de Chardin. He postulated that the biosphere of earth has a layer of synced and connected thought, the Noosphere. Upon crystallization of the Noosphere, a field of global telepathic connectivity will form, and the Omega Point will dawn, ushering in a new paradigm and lifting man to a new level of transcendence.
Maybe I read too much scifi but I like the sound of that…
An Omega Point defined as an approaching singularity of thought, consciousness, or even data is discussed here - #omegapoint.
If the matrix were to become sentient, one would wish for a relationship of empathic connectivity.
Laszlo’s Toe can be found in his book - Science and the Akashic Field by Ervin Laszlo.

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