Saturday 10 April 2010

Retro tech is calling

Remember this scene from The Man Who Fell to Earth? Well now the whole world is going nano I find I yearn for a wall of monitors like Thomas Jerome Newton (David Bowie of course) and now everyone is predicting the end of the desk top I can probably fill a whole wall for a few hundred quid. Or maybe I should start stocking up with the Retrobrick (are they serious?)
     So when was the last time you called up a friend or colleague and said, "look it's time we talked about nano technology"? No me neither. But let us be aware or even beware that this stuff is changing our lives so fast that soon there will be no past. I however can remember a time before any of this. Obviously I am therefore marked out as a fossil from a previous era in human development. But let me ask one question - where does all this data come from, oceans of the stuff, that can all no doubt be stored on a pin head? Was it waiting for us to develop the storage and processing so that it could move in.
      And what would happen if a couple of unfriendly solar flares were to send a magnetic pulse our way and turn all those zeros and ones into plain old zeroes?

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