Sunday 23 December 2012

Molly Q and the Abraxas Thimble by John Luxton (Eden's Nightside)

Supernatural Romance or Paranormal Adventure? Maybe it's both. I unexpectedly started writing this when visiting family in Lancashire where I was supposed to be cranking out another dystopian story for my Dark Fiction for Dark Times series.
The landscape up there lends itself to a different kind of storytelling - same tough dark universe but without the urban element to the fantasy. Here the past looms large and legend and magic still hold sway.
* * * 
Molly Quantock discovers that the hills and valleys in which she has grown up hold a secret – that her own ancestors were hung as witches.
The reverberations from those dark times still persist and she finds herself recruited to help retrieve a lost treasure – the Abraxas Thimble - the return of which will overturn the centuries of karmic dissonance that have tainted all life within the shadows of the Abney Hills.
Eventually Molly finds out that the real reason for the months of intense magical training is that she must not only retrieve the Thimble but also take it to Abraxas himself, deep in the underworld; a journey that no human has ever made.

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