Thursday 13 June 2013

Are we the dead pixel on God's monitor? (digital awakening part 2) by John Luxton

When Voyager reached the edge of our solar system back in 1990 and turned it's improbable eye back four billion miles to whence it came - that occasion triggered a philosophical speech from Carl Sagan that has since become the equivalent of a religious tract for agnostics.

The universe is vast and empty, we (the earth) are just a pale blue speck, smaller than a single pixel on the screens of those looking at themselves back at the Kennedy Space Centre. That the earth is stage for every human action whether good or ill - and that apparently no-one is coming to help and we must grow up and save the planet and love one another... and so on - read it here if you likey.

I read it and thought it inspiring at first but some bits sorta stuck in my craw and the pervasive 'old timey preacher' tone made me wonder how you can make a belief system of non-belief, and then be so smug about the supposedly  non-delusional nature of your own particular mind-set. But that is science and scientists for you. For you maybe - not for me.

I personally like to think that God is out there - maybe he is just bored or busy - or perhaps he would be awatchin and awaiting but unfortunately we are the dead pixel on His monitor. And He never got round to contacting the manufacturer for a replacement; learnt to live with it in fact. In the same way as the rationalists will learn to live with the consequences of having stripped away the greatest mystery of them all to reveal... their sorry selves!

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