Wednesday 5 June 2013

The digital awakening (part 1) by John Luxton

Here on planet earth I am confused by many things - the tardiness of deliverables, the flawed methodologies of those around me, the lack of stakeholder inclusion in the simplest of projects. It is a long list. But the blessed converse of this is the cheery thought that contained within my handy alembic valise are a suite of transformative implements that are so very fit for purpose and have been so for millenia.

Firstly let us consider the sigil or the logos or the hieroglyph - the very loci and source of meaning and power that dominated the ancient world and is as all-pervading and powerful now as ever was.

Observe the absolute unification of our senses that occurs when we gaze on a logo - it is all encompassing. Sight, sound, feel - a sensory melange that dynamically combines, resulting in a form of ideogram that can pass without interference directly into the deepest part of our consciousness.

And this is where we are able to perhaps intuit that the role of the digital envisioner is more akin to a member of the priesthood than the generally held perception of designers as nerdy marginals.We climbed free of the mud a long time back - but it is from the mud that all life emerges and similarly clarity emerges from the static.

Meanwhile the prescient among us feel the intertwining threads of the approaching singularity brushing the margins of our consciousness.

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