Friday 27 September 2013

Where does my content live? (The digital awakening part 3) by John Luxton

In a world of specialization it can be easy to forget that within our chosen field, our perception of the components of our particular skill set may be so far upstream as to be semi-incomprehensible to many people. Witness the arcane circuitous logic and arrogance of the programmers responsible for many of the websites that we are corralled in to using each day (Yes, Transport for London – I mean you).

If a shitty user experience was a rare occurrence it might be easy to believe that the UX experts out there were being given any thing other than lip service. But it does seem that any thought of a planned user UX is at best something that is strapped on afterwards rather than being an integrated part of the design process.
In my particular area of work the goal is to get my content in front of the right people. This seemingly simple task has sent me on a journey of discovery, and the operative verb in play here is: re-purposing.
So although I may aspire to be described as an information architect or content strategist, my humble daily activity is more one of re-purposing my stuff so that is might be of some use to someone, someplace.
This paradigm is a moving target and I have to remind myself on a daily basis that it is necessary to try anything and everything in order to ‘bring it on home’.
So, in answer to the question: Where does MY content live? It is to be found – on my blog, google+, kindle, wattpad, tumblr, in bite-sized chunks on twitter, and on facebook. And the absolutely essential component of all this re-purposing is that it is for Mobile consumption. Anything else, at this stage, is pointless.
As a diversion from this I have been having great fun putting together other people’s stuff into weekly publication webzine format offered by The trick is to get your feeds balanced so that your chosen themes can flourish. The format looks good on mobile devices – and I am definitely going to spend more time on this. Here are my current efforts: Nest of Loops, Uptick Marketing, Fang - Vampire Mythos.
Every group, organisation or community should try this.

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