Tuesday 10 February 2015

The Vertical Abyss - Welcome to the Dystopian Present!

Meanwhile in the Eyrie of the merciless citadel that is the Vertical Abyss, those whose purpose is to harvest the energy of the slaves are attaining the Omega Point.

Through the tendrils of mist that coil around the spires they see the focus of their intent taking shape; and it marks a dark day for those labouring at the base of the pyramid.

All who are risen early see the vast singularity, flickering in and out of phase as it seeks to establish its universal manifestation – a omnispheric anomaly hovering ominously over the city. The energy of the slave world made real: the Beta Sphere. It is there in the western sky, neither opaque nor transparent but imperceptibly its sinister bloom occupying the space between. Pinpricks of light danced over the surface, its scale so unimaginably vast that the patchwork grid of silver dots replaced the stars. And then it is gone, those who saw it scarcely believing their eyes, and then struck mute in their efforts to describe what they saw to their fellow citizens.

The sentinel construct of the Dark Brethren is becoming manifest and their control over the Prison Planet, Earth, will soon be complete.
Vertical Abyss

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