Vertical Abyss

The Vertical Abyss -

it is a realm
it is a naked singularity
it is a priapism of glass and steel
it is the Tower of Babel
It is the earthly home of the Brotherhood of the Dark Serpent
It is constructed from and dependent upon the energy of slaves

Kings, queens and dictators have long employed sacred geometry in order to glorify their reign, align themselves with cosmic or earthly phenomena, and or to achieve immortality. From the Pharaohs to Van Hoogstraten via Stalin and the Aztecs, they are all at it.

But when it became time for the Brotherhood of the Dark Serpent to concretise their ritualized philosophy of Atavistic Resurgence, they went right back to that handbook of the Third Root Race the Atlanteans, a sephiric delineation of creation that lays out the road map of infinity - known to us nowadays as the Cabbala.

These jolly temporal teamsters chose sinister sphere numbered eleven from the hubs and pathways on offer; a numinous and abstracted portal known as the Abyss that connects the glories of the Tree of Life with the Helle that is its nugatory obverse – the Tunnels of Set. This is the through-the-looking-glass realm from whence tricky entities called qilphoth can and do stream out into our world and both angelic and demonic energies are trafficked by adepts, benign and malevolent of purpose.

Focusing on this portal suited the Dark Brothers to a tee. It leads to a place where any aspirant must toil and not be led astray by the temptations lurking within. It is known as the Abyss because the failed neophyte is believed to become an eternal wanderer of this zone. However they can and frequently do return in order to use their considerable powers against their less adventurous brethren. And so it is believed, that these wanderers of the waste, having failed their initiation and not having attained any state of grace, and therefore being unable to go about helping humanity to the next stage of its evolution, end up pursuing the aim of enslavement of others for personal gain - The creation of a slave race ruled by a pyramidal hierarchy.

There lies the purpose of the Dark Brotherhood employing sacred geometry within the architectural construction of the Vertical Abyss – a once and future portal of all things bad.

The footprint of the building straddles the ancient underground River Walbrook, part of the umbilicus mundi, or sap carrying conduits of the primal earth root of the World Tree or Yggdrasils. At the apex of the building is a glass pyramid which is built to the same dimensions as the Pyramid of Giza. The trans-dimensional spaces that the Vertical Abyss delineates thus allowing the adepts of The Brotherhood to harness energies from the cosmos and the earth, and at the same time harvest the spiritual energy of mankind. This is the purpose of this contemporary Tower of Babel. It is my intention to expose this millennial slave paradigm that is at the heart of our current reality. Welcome to the Dystopian Present!

This process began with the Alembic Valise, which follows fantasy writer, Joel Barlow, whose bestselling novel lands him in hot water with the real-live progenitors of chaos, who see too many similarities between themselves and their fictional counterparts described in the dystopian world of his book. With this the writer achieves a growing understanding that his storytelling goes beyond imagination and that he has the gift of prescience and prophecy. He is jolted out of his Thames-side idyll when a corpse is found on the river’s edge close to his houseboat. This seemingly random tragedy triggers a descent into a world of augmented reality, women’s cage fighting, and psychotic gamers.

At first Joel’s journey to the nightside seems to mirror his fictional creation, until his glimpses, through the dark prism of his own personal drama, the twisted threads of this vast conspiracy. And it is at this point that Joel realises he must use his gifts as a writer to create a narrative so powerful that it can begin to hollow out the edifice of this corrupt power structure.

The next instalment is Chaos Magic wherein the sinister cult at the root of the vast conspiracy to enslave mankind (known variously as The Blake Organisation, The Black Snake Cult, The Brotherhood of the Serpent, or simply the Dark Brethren) is seen to have created the Vertical Abyss in order to expedite their plan on a truly global scale by the use of a modern hybrid of Voodoo, sexual vampirism and good old mumbo jumbo – unfortunately it seems to be working brilliantly.

Chaos Magic is soon to be followed by Dieucifer Rising.

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